How to know about Babbel app demo?

Babbel is the top growsing language learning app in all app stores worldwide. You can learn a language anywhere anytime. Babbel is celebrating its ten year ... Read more

Je vous parle de lapplication Babbel si vous souhaitez apprendre une nouvelle langue. Noubliez pas de me suivre sur les réseaux sociaux et sur mon blog: ... Read more

Aujourdhui je vous présente une application qui sappelle Babbel et qui va vous permettre dapprendre les langues facilement! Avec ce lien prenez un ... Read more

Its no secret that Berlin is one of the most buzz-worthy cities in Europe — and its dating scene is no different. If you want to experience Berlin like a local, dating ... Read more

No vídeo de hoje fomos conhecer a Babbel, uma startup de Berlim criadora de um curso virtual de línguas, que inclui um excelente e criativo curso de Alemão ... Read more

Squiiirreeel! Skvirrel? Sköviiiräl? Who cares how you pronounce it as long as they get you? Speaking with an accent is your badge, it reflects your story. So learn ... Read more

Babbel is hiring developers for our world-class engineering team! Apply here: Learn more here: ... Read more

You probably remember language learning as something boring that happens at a desk with a textbook in hand. While that works for some, heres why taking a ... Read more

After studying Spanish with Babbel for just 15 hours, 3 beginners face off in a series of challenges to see how much they learned. Heres more information on ... Read more

Hoe gaat het met jou? Sarah Risch, stellvertretende Medialeiterin bei turi2, lernt mit der Sprach-App Babbel fleißig Niederländisch. "Sprich Sprachen, wie du es ... Read more

Erfahre mehr dazu, wie jeder eine neue Sprache lernen kann: Egal ob für dein Hobby oder die Karriere - wir helfen dir dabei, die richtigen ... Read more

Do you know how to use "me gusta" correctly in Spanish? What about personal pronouns, like "tu" and "usted"? In our first Spanish Q&A Facebook Live, our ... Read more

In this video I am showing myself completing Duolingos two lessons on the future tense in French. I also give some of my tips and feelings about the program. Read more